hmmmm, i really dunno how to start my description here for the blog, but err.... i'd like to share what i've read, seen, and experienced. at the same time, i'd also like to receive ur comments/feedback. a good place to make friends...!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Apple App Store Cracked--CRACKULOUS

To the world suprise!!!

Ever wanted to install apps FREELY from App Store? It now happens that Angel owns Crackulous, an application that cracks apps sold in Apple Store. So you won't be needing to SSH your cracked apps into your iPhone no more.You need a jailbroken iPhone to achieve that. So guide yourself into Cydia > Source and add its repo Refresh Cydia and re-launch your Cydia if it does not load for the first time. The current release is 0.9 which involves some bugs and will be fixed along the way. The major ones are: you need to have one legitimate app from App Store for it to function and if any of app starts with a # will crach Crackulous. Please report them to the forum if you find one.

For myself, I've done the installation. If it does not show up on the screen, go to Cydia and reinstall it. And you should also have Installous installed to download the already-cracked apps or to share amongst others.

Fastest way to find the app is to look it up at on your PC, and then launch Installous from your iPhone, press on Search, key in the name, and install it from there. Cool!

Looks like I have to wait until the bugs are fixed. Then from there, I can enjoy the apps....! Using Installous, I am installing more and more of new apps like crazy....hahahahahah :))